Insurances Accepted data
Insurances Accepted provides information about which health plans are accepted by practitioners and organizations at various locations, to help consumers find in-network providers. Insurances Accepted data is structured in a set of four JSON-format files:
- InsuranceCarriers
- Practitioners
- Locations
- PractitionerRoles
- Organizations
- OrganizationAffiliations
The data in these files represents the core data entities of Insurances Accepted, and relate to each other as shown below:
File location
Files will be made available via sftp. Credentials and address will be provided to each account owner
Update frequency
File will be updated monthly for most carriers (a limited number will be delivered every other month)
Files will be a full refresh of data, and entity identifiers are not guaranteed to remain the same across successive file updates.
Expected file size
The current zipped file size is ~1GB zipped or 30GB unzipped. The file size will increase as Defacto Health adds more payers.